The rapidly increasing deployment of renewable yet intermittent energy sources such as
solar and wind power has raised an urgent demand of developing large-scale electrical energy
storage systems to enhance the grid reliability and stability. Among emerging technologies,
zinc-bromine flow battery (ZBFB) is widely regarded as one of the most promising candidates
due to its nature of high energy density and low cost. Nevertheless, the widespread application
of this type of flow battery is still hindered by several critical issues including low power density
and zinc dendrite formation. The major goal of this thesis is to address these challenges and
propel its commercialization pace.
This thesis begins with modifying the electrolyte for ZBFB with methanesulfonic acid
(MSA), aiming to improve the electrolyte conductivity meanwhile suppress the zinc dendrite
formation. Results unravel that the addition of MSA improves the reversibility and kinetics of
the Zn
2+/Zn and Br
− redox reactions. Along with the reduced internal resistance from 4.9 to
2.0 Ω cm
2, the ZBFB with MSA exhibits an improved energy efficiency of 75% at 40 mA cm
much higher than that with a conventional electrolyte of only 64%. Moreover, dendritic zinc
growth is significantly suppressed in the presence of MSA, thus enabling the ZBFB to be
operated for 50 cycles without degradation, whereas its counterpart suffers from significant
decay after only 40 cycles due to the severe dendrite growth. The addition of MSA, however,
triggers hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), which will cause fast capacity decay and safety
issues. Hence, near neutral chloride salts (i.e., KCl, NH
4Cl) are explored as alternative
supporting electrolytes. It is revealed that the battery internal resistance is significantly reduced
after adding these chloride salts and NH
4Cl shows a more positive effect in enhancing the
electrolyte conductivity. With an optimized NH
4Cl concentration of 4 M, an energy efficiency
of 74.3% is achieved at a current density of 40 mA cm
−2, outperforming the battery with a
pristine electrolyte. Additionally, the presence of NH
4Cl is found to induce more zinc deposition
within the porous graphite felt (GF) electrode, resulting in a more uniform zinc deposition and
ameliorating zinc dendrite formation.
With regard to the large polarization in the positive electrode, thermal treatment of GF
electrode is firstly investigated. The carbon fiber surface is found to be of abundant pores and
oxygen-containing functional groups after thermally treated at 500 ⁰C, which not only increase
the wettability and specific surface area of the GF electrode, but also benefit its catalytic activity
toward Br
− reaction. As a result, a ZBFB assembled with this thermally treated GF electrode
exhibits an energy efficiency of as high as 81.8% at a current density of 40 mA cm
−2, far
surpassing that employs a pristine GF electrode. Furthermore, carbonized tubular polypyrrole
(CTPPy) with abundant nitrogen- and oxygen-containing functional groups is synthesized as a
positive material for ZBFB to further improve its performance. Experimental results reveal that
CTPPy exhibits a high activity toward the Br
− redox reaction, and enables the ZBFB to be
operated at current densities of 40 and 80 mA cm
−2 with high energy efficiencies of 83.9% and
76.0%, respectively. More importantly, ZBFBs equipped with these functionalized electrodes
present excellent stability during repeated cycling test, indicating their great promise as high-performance
electrodes for ZBFB application.
To further enhance the performance of ZBFB, the conventional thick GF electrode in the
positive side is replaced with a thin carbon-paper (CP) electrode interfacing with a serpentine
flow-field structure. With this improved cell structure and electrode, the ZBFB is capable of
delivering an energy efficiency of more than 70% at a high current density of up to 100 mA
−2, demonstrating a much enhanced power capability of ZBFB.
Finally, we propose a novel high-energy-density positive electrolyte for RFBs, by
incorporating multiple redox couples. Our calculated results reveal that the energy density can
reach as high as 827 Wh L
−1 if Fe
2+ and Br
− are utilized at the same time. Detailed
electrochemical characterizations are conducted to uncover the electrochemistry of this positive
electrolyte and a proof-of-concept flow battery is also assembled and tested. Decent results
obtained in this work suggest that this novel electrolyte offers great promise for application in
high-energy-density RFBs.
Keywords: Zinc-bromine flow battery; energy storage; zinc dendrite; Br
− redox reaction;
high performance; multiple redox couples; high energy density.
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