Atomic thin transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) are a large class of low dimensional
materials, having many unique properties such as indirect-direct band gap
transition, strong spin-orbit coupling, valence band maximum (VBM) and conductance
band minimum (CBM) at the corners of the Brillouin zone for monolayer TMDCs, and
conservation of spatial symmetry or broken symmetry depending on the number of layers.
The photoluminescence (PL) and Raman spectra can be used to effectively detect the
small variations in the atomic and energy band structure of monolayer and multilayer
TMDCs. This study thoroughly investigates the PL and Raman spectra of atomic thin
2 and WS
Many second-order Raman vibrational modes assisted by defects have been observed
in the Raman spectrum, unde...[
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Atomic thin transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) are a large class of low dimensional
materials, having many unique properties such as indirect-direct band gap
transition, strong spin-orbit coupling, valence band maximum (VBM) and conductance
band minimum (CBM) at the corners of the Brillouin zone for monolayer TMDCs, and
conservation of spatial symmetry or broken symmetry depending on the number of layers.
The photoluminescence (PL) and Raman spectra can be used to effectively detect the
small variations in the atomic and energy band structure of monolayer and multilayer
TMDCs. This study thoroughly investigates the PL and Raman spectra of atomic thin
2 and WS
Many second-order Raman vibrational modes assisted by defects have been observed
in the Raman spectrum, under 514.5 nm (corresponding to 2.40 eV) excitation. The frequencies
of the 2LA(M), A
1g(M) + LA(M) and 2LA(M) ‒ 2E
2g1(M) modes are 352, 582
and 297cm
-1, respectively. LA(M) refers to the longitudinal acoustic mode around point
M in the Brillouin zone.
Monolayer TMDCs such as WS
2 are direct band gap semiconductors. Exciton is
formed by the hole and electron at the VBM and CBM, respectively. The recombination
energy of A exciton in monolayer WS
2 varies from 2.053 eV at 77 K to 2.01eV at room
temperature. The direct band gap at point K decreases with increasing temperature due
to electron-phonon coupling. The chemical bonding weakens with enhanced vibration of
lattice, which increases the energy band gap. The relation between band gap and temperature
is fitted and the energy band gap at absolute temperature is 2.057 eV, which is
consistent with the density functional theory (DFT) calculation.
Bilayer TMDCs such as WS
2 and MoS
2 are indirect band gap semiconductors. The indirect
band gap in bilayer MoS
2 is 1.50 eV, whereas that in the hexagonal boron nitride(hBN)-encapsulated bilayer is 1.52 eV. The variation in indirect band gap is due to the sensitivity
of the VBM at the Γ point. The indirect band gap of trilayer TMDCs is 1.47 eV.
The emerging indirect energy gap in a heterostructure with monolayer WS
2 and
2 is caused by the hybridization of the Γ point in the two layers. The extent of hybridization
is determined by the interlayer distance, which can be varied with the time of
annealing at 393K. The interlayer distance varies from 1.6 to 0.8 nm after 12 h of annealing.
The indirect band gap emerges at 1.79 eV after 6 h of annealing and shifts down to 1.4 eV
after 12 h of annealing.
The biaxial tensile strain in the hBN-encapsulated multilayer MoS
2 induced by annealing
at 600 K can be detected by the redshift of E
2g1 in the Raman spectra, which is
consistent with the DFT calculation. The redshift of the in-plane mode, E
2g1, is 1.57 cm
and the blueshift of the out-of-plane mode, A
1g, is 0.28cm
-1. For the hBN-encapsulated
trilayer TMDCs, the redshift of E
2g1 is only 0.156 cm
-1.The competition between weak Van
der Waals interaction from hBN and tensile strain effect determines the shift of frequency
for two modes.
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