Linked buildings (LBs) are joined by structural connections such as sky bridges, sky pools, or
sky gardens. The two buildings of an LB system are usually not far from each other. As a
result, the wind forces on each building of an LB system differ from those on a standalone
building. Their wind loadings are affected by aerodynamic interference and need to be
thoroughly examined. In addition, the two buildings vibrate in response to wind excitation
when the buildings are joined by a link. The wind resistance aspect of the structural design of
an LB system is complicated because of the structural and aerodynamic couplings.
First, this study investigates the aerodynamic characteristics of LBs. Wind pressure data on
typical LBs with different gap distances between two buildings was...[
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Linked buildings (LBs) are joined by structural connections such as sky bridges, sky pools, or
sky gardens. The two buildings of an LB system are usually not far from each other. As a
result, the wind forces on each building of an LB system differ from those on a standalone
building. Their wind loadings are affected by aerodynamic interference and need to be
thoroughly examined. In addition, the two buildings vibrate in response to wind excitation
when the buildings are joined by a link. The wind resistance aspect of the structural design of
an LB system is complicated because of the structural and aerodynamic couplings.
First, this study investigates the aerodynamic characteristics of LBs. Wind pressure data on
typical LBs with different gap distances between two buildings was measured in a series of
wind tunnel tests, and proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) analysis was then applied to
identify pressure patterns and the associated excitation mechanisms. For wind direction α =
? (i.e., two buildings in a side-by-side arrangement and normal to wind direction),
channeling in the first mode and vortex shedding in the second mode are correlated with
different aerodynamic characteristics. For the wind direction α = 90
? (i.e., two buildings in a
tandem arrangement in the wind direction), when gap distance is large, the pressure on the
windward surface of the downstream building is positive because separated flows from the
upstream building are reattached on the downstream building. Due to the reattachment, the
gap distance is important for aerodynamic characteristics.
Furthermore, this study investigates the aerodynamic correlations between the wind forces on
the individual buildings of an LB system. A positive aerodynamic correlation of the along-wind
force with a large gap distance is smaller than those with a small gap distance.
Conversely, the cross-wind forces do not show a similar relationship with gap distance; in fact,
its correlation is further complicated by interference. When the aerodynamic correlation is
negative, the link of the LB system contributes to a significant reduction in the responses.
However, with the positive correlation, the link has no effect on the responses.
This study also investigates flow patterns around an LB, using velocity- and vorticity-based POD analysis on particle image velocimetry data. Results show that for α = 0
?, a single
vortex street exists in the wake of the two buildings in the first mode and a biased flow exists
in the gap when gap distance is small in the second mode. For a large gap distance, in contrast,
two independent bluff bodies are observed in the first mode and a gap flow parallel to the
wind is noted in the second mode. Vorticity-based POD shows a jet-like accelerated gap flow
with small gap distance in the first mode and vortex shedding on both the inner and outside
surfaces with large gap distance in the second mode. For α = 90
?, stagnant flow in the gap
with small gap distance and shear layer reattachment to the downstream building with large
gap distance are observed in most modes. Vorticity-based POD analysis identifies either small
or large vortices, depending on gap distance, in the wake of the two buildings in different
Finally, this study presents the optimal location and properties (e.g., mass and stiffness) of a
link for an LB system. The objective of this study is to minimize not only the lateral wind-induced
displacement responses but also the lateral wind-induced acceleration responses of
LB systems. A genetic algorithm and a 3-dimensional analytical model were then used to
determine the optimal link location and the properties that would minimize the two wind-induced
responses. The results show that adding mass in the link tends to increase the LBs’
displacement responses but decrease their acceleration responses, and it is optimal to place the
link between 70% and 100% (i.e., top) of the buildings’ height. As the link moves from 70%
of the buildings’ height to 100%, the acceleration response decreases in general, but the
displacement response increases. Additional link stiffness, on the other hand, generally
decreases both responses, but this additional stiffness does not need to be very large. The
optimal gap distance should be half of the breadth of the building.
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