xxii, 236 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 30 cm
Cities laying in moderate to high earthquake hazard zones, an accurate prediction of
site response is of paramount importance. The 1985 Mexico City earthquake is renowned
for the devastation that local basin effects may cause through soil amplification. Moreover,
erratic damage patterns and prolonged site and building responses were observed during the
earthquake. Understanding the effect of basins along with the clustering effect of buildings
on the amplification of ground motions can provide scientific guidelines for the design of
buildings and provide a more accurate evaluation of regional scale seismic hazards. Many
cities around the world are built on shallow alluvial basins. However, not much attention
has been given to the investigation of the 3D effects of these basins o...[
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Cities laying in moderate to high earthquake hazard zones, an accurate prediction of
site response is of paramount importance. The 1985 Mexico City earthquake is renowned
for the devastation that local basin effects may cause through soil amplification. Moreover,
erratic damage patterns and prolonged site and building responses were observed during the
earthquake. Understanding the effect of basins along with the clustering effect of buildings
on the amplification of ground motions can provide scientific guidelines for the design of
buildings and provide a more accurate evaluation of regional scale seismic hazards. Many
cities around the world are built on shallow alluvial basins. However, not much attention
has been given to the investigation of the 3D effects of these basins on ground motion.
Moreover, due to vertical expansion in cities, high-rise buildings with deep foundations and
large underground chambers are often simultaneously present. The role of these structures
and their layouts in Site-City Interaction (SCI) have not been considered nor quantified
The work in this thesis aims to isolate and numerically quantify 3D Soil-Underground
Structure-Soil Interaction (SUSSI), SCI and shallow basin effects through realistic physics-based
earthquake scenario simulations. The models in this study are based on real sites in
Hong Kong: the Kowloon Station transportation hub and the Tuen Mun-Yuen Long basin.
For our SCI studies high-rise superstructure-foundation systems in various layouts and a
metro station are fully integrated into large-scale soil models. While a 3D multi-layered
model of the Tuen Mun-Yuen Long basin with equivalent non-linear soils is analyzed for
our basin study. Moreover, to isolate SCI effects on site and structural responses, freefield
site, and standalone building models were created and analyzed. To isolate 3D basin effects
1D site response analyses were conducted for Tuen Mun-Yuen Long. The results of these
analyses were then contrasted to the fully integrated city models and the 3D basin model,
respectively. All of our models are based on borehole or structural design data. A 3D
Discontinuous Galerkin Spectral Element Method (DGSEM) is adopted to address meshing
difficulties related to the complexity of geology and the scale difference present between
the fully integrated city models, the soil layers and the bedrock. The DG formulation of
SEM allows the use of a non-conforming mesh which consist of individually meshed then
combined sub-domains. The sub-domains may have discontinuities between each other,
such as sharp changes in mesh size and their shape function’s polynomial degree.
For building clusters surrounding a center plaza we found that the key SCI phenomena
are (1) a wavefield propagating outward from the building cluster and (2) surface waves
trapped between structures (SUSSI). Focused zones of amplification (up to 150% in PGA)
emerge at the unbuilt areas in the center plaza (2) and the immediate outskirt (1) of these
clusters. The phenomena always occur in high frequency ranges (above 2 Hz) thus, SCI may
significantly increase seismic demand on short (<5 story) structures in the vicinity of high-rise
buildings (>40 stories). Our results also showed that closely-spaced high-rise buildings
increase each other’s relative story accelerations by up to 150% during earthquakes. It was
shown that SUSSI can adversely affect secondary and interim structures at the plaza.
Moreover, SCI will significantly increase the maximum relative story accelerations which
will increase serviceability demands and building content loss. We found that different
building layouts will generally result in a considerably different site response and
marginally different structural responses. When the center plaza area was increased, the
adverse SUSSI and SCI effects both diminish. The Tuen Mun-Yuen Long city model
showed that strong surface waves incoming from the basin edge will intensify SCI however,
the spatially variable local site effects will control structural responses.
Within the shallow basin a good correlation between soil depth and spectral
amplifications was demonstrated. The spectral amplification vs. soil depth curves presented
in this study can aid safe seismic design by informing engineers on suitable locations for
structures with different modal frequencies during urban planning. From the detailed
analysis of three sub-basins in Tuen Mun-Yuen Long, we conclude that 2D/3D effects, such
as the edge and the focusing effect can be substantial in narrow and shallow basins. The
focusing effect is particularly accentuated for bowl-shaped symmetrical basins due to their
3D geometry. While in all analyzed sib-basins, the surface waves generated at the edges are
further trapped by the top soil layer. We found that this phenomenon can significantly
increase the site response near the edges as well as in the center of narrow basins where the
waves can constructively interfere. The site along the basin cross-sections is amplified at its
1D fundamental frequency which is slightly shifted as a result of 3D basin effects. The
wavefield in the basins showed significantly higher in-plane (e.g. SH) and out-of-plane (e.g.
SV) wave amplitudes at the basin edges and basin centers, respectively.
Our study concluded that Site-City interaction of high-rise buildings will increase
serviceability demands and adversely affect short structures in their vicinity. Furthermore,
a detailed, fully integrated 3D numerical analysis, as presented in this thesis, can realistically
predict Site-City Interaction and seismic demand in shallow basins, which might be
significantly underestimated by conventional analysis. Finally, based on all the simulations
conducted in study, we derived SCI factors to account for the additional demand generated
by SCI on buildings in congested urban environments.
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