Gallium nitride (GaN) high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs) based on GaN-on-Si
substrates have been intensively developed and commercialized during the past decades.
Nowadays, they have been deployed in high-speed/high-efficiency power conversion systems.
However, the development of complementary p-channel GaN field-effect-transistors (FETs) is
still in its infancy, as the relatively low mobility of holes in p-GaN makes GaN p-FETs less
attractive. Although the GaN complementary device technique might not be a competitive
candidate for next-generation cutting-edge CMOS circuits, it could play an irreplaceable role
in the GaN-based monolithic power integration by offering the most energy-efficient on-chip
peripheral circuit solution for the essential driving, control, sensing, and p...[
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Gallium nitride (GaN) high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs) based on GaN-on-Si
substrates have been intensively developed and commercialized during the past decades.
Nowadays, they have been deployed in high-speed/high-efficiency power conversion systems.
However, the development of complementary p-channel GaN field-effect-transistors (FETs) is
still in its infancy, as the relatively low mobility of holes in p-GaN makes GaN p-FETs less
attractive. Although the GaN complementary device technique might not be a competitive
candidate for next-generation cutting-edge CMOS circuits, it could play an irreplaceable role
in the GaN-based monolithic power integration by offering the most energy-efficient on-chip
peripheral circuit solution for the essential driving, control, sensing, and protection of the power
device. The wide-bandgap nature of GaN also makes GaN-based electronics suitable to operate
in harsh environments. The commercial p-GaN/AlGaN/GaN-on-Si platform, where a p-GaN
layer is intentionally deployed for realizing enhancement-mode (E-mode) HEMTs, provides a
highly suitable venue for developing p-FETs and complementary logic circuits.
In this thesis,
E-mode GaN p-FET technology and complementary logic circuits based on
the commercially available p-GaN gate power HEMT platform are developed and studied for
the prospective all-GaN power integration.
buried-channel p-FET structure for realizing E-mode operation simultaneously
with reasonable ON-current density is developed. Early attempts to implement E-mode p-FETs
encountered a dilemma in balancing the threshold voltage (V
TH), the ON-current, and the ON/OFF
ratio, as the gate recess formed by dry etching for E-mode and low leakage current would
significantly degrade the channel mobility. In this work, a thicker p-GaN layer is retained to
serve as the channel while an oxygen plasma treatment is applied after etching. The implanted oxygen would convert the top surface of p-GaN to be free-of-holes and thereby facilitate the
depletion of the channel. The conducting channel is buried by the oxidized surface at the ON-state,
away from the detrimental dielectric/etched-semiconductor interface. As a result, the
buried p-channel GaN MOSFET demonstrates stringent E-mode operation with a reasonable
current density and high ON/OFF ratio.
With promising E-mode p-FETs available, a
monolithic n-p integration technique on this
platform would is developed, and integrated single- and multiple-stage GaN CMOS logic gates
are demonstrated. The theoretical speed limit of GaN CMOS on this platform has been derived,
revealing that with conventional processing technology in 8-inch lines, an intrinsic logic-gate
delay of less than 50 ps is available. It is sufficient for GaN-based power electronic applications
where the operating frequencies range from 100 kHz to 10 MHz. A comprehensive set of
elementary logic gates and multi-stage logic circuits are demonstrated, which manifest the
feasibility of including GaN CMOS in power integration. Particularly, the complementary logic
inverters exhibit remarkable performances, including stringent rail-to-rail outputs, substantially
suppressed static power dissipation at both logic ‘low’ and ‘high’ states, suitable transition
threshold voltages, wide noise margins, and good thermal stability.
With the feasibility proven,
examination and enhancement of the device/circuit stability
are essential for future commercialization. The stability of the buried-channel p-FET is
characterized and analysed. It is revealed that there could be a parasitic 2DEG channel under
the E-mode p-channel which does not induce significant stability issues. However, the interface
between Al
3 and p-GaN could cause pronounced V
TH instability. An alternative gate stack
structure featuring SiN
x as the dielectric is proposed and characterized. Thanks to the type-II
band alignment between SiNx and GaN, excessive holes could be drained out to the gate
electrode, and thereby the V
TH shift is partially suppressed. The results suggest that ‘SiN
gate stack would be more suitable for the buried channel p-FET, whereas further optimization
of the interface remains to be the future work.
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