Danggui Buxue Tang (DBT; 當歸補血湯) is a Chinese medicinal formula, which
has been used for hundreds of years in China. Interestingly, the herbal composition of
DBT is distinct in different ancient medical books, and three of them are still used
today: (i) DBT
1155, named after the recorded year composed of four herbs: Angelica
Sinensis Radix (ASR), Astragali Radix (AR), Jujuba Fructus and Zingiberis Rhizoma
Recens in a weight ratio of 12: 10 : 5 : 4; (ii) DBT
1247 composed only two herbs, AR
and ASR in a 5 : 1 ratio; (iii) DBT
1687 composes of ASR, AR and Rehmanniae Radix
Praeparata in a 2 : 1 : 1 ratio. Although all of them are recorded to have the function of
nourishing “Qi” and enriching the “Blood”, DBT
1247 is the one being used commonly.
However, the systemic comparison among th...[
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Danggui Buxue Tang (DBT; 當歸補血湯) is a Chinese medicinal formula, which
has been used for hundreds of years in China. Interestingly, the herbal composition of
DBT is distinct in different ancient medical books, and three of them are still used
today: (i) DBT
1155, named after the recorded year composed of four herbs: Angelica
Sinensis Radix (ASR), Astragali Radix (AR), Jujuba Fructus and Zingiberis Rhizoma
Recens in a weight ratio of 12: 10 : 5 : 4; (ii) DBT
1247 composed only two herbs, AR
and ASR in a 5 : 1 ratio; (iii) DBT
1687 composes of ASR, AR and Rehmanniae Radix
Praeparata in a 2 : 1 : 1 ratio. Although all of them are recorded to have the function of
nourishing “Qi” and enriching the “Blood”, DBT
1247 is the one being used commonly.
However, the systemic comparison among these three formulae has not been done. Here, we chose these three DBT as an example to explain the traditional Chinese
medicine (TCM) theory by using chemical and biological approaches.
The herbal extracts of three different DBT were standardized using rapid
resolution liquid chromatography coupled with an electrospray ionization triple
quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry. Eight marker chemicals, including AR-derived
astragaloside III, astragaloside IV, calycosin, formononetin, ononin, calycosin-7-O-β-D-glucoside and ASR-derived ferulic acid and ligustilide were used to standardize DBT
extracts. The highest amounts of AR-derived astragaloside III, astragaloside IV,
calycosin, formononetin and ASR-derived ferulic acid were found in DBT
1247. Upon the
standardization of DBT
1247 extract, the dynamic chemical change during the boiling
process was studied. According to the traditional record, DBT
1247 should be boiled with
moderate heating. Under the moderate heating, the AR-derived ononin and calycosin-7-O-β-D-glucoside could be induced to hydrolyze in forming formononetin and
calycosin. Both calycosin and formononetin had better biological functions and
absorption rate. The current results supported the traditional practice of preparing
1247 by using moderate heating.
The “Blood” enrichment effect of three DBT was evaluated on a myelosuppression
anemic animal model, which was induced by an injection of
cyclophosphamide. Daily intra-gastric administration of chemically standardized DBT
for 14 days showed different effects: (i) the numbers of red blood cell and white blood
cell, as well as the levels of hemoglobin and hematocrit, were increased; (ii) the serum
level of IL-2 was increased; (iii) the levels of anti-oxidant enzymes were regulated; and
(iv) the myelo-suppression was alleviated in the histopathology of bone marrow. These results suggested that three DBT not only had effect on hematological
parameters but also affected the immune system and bone marrow.
A series of biological analyses were applied to compare the biological efficacy
1155 and DBT
1247 were usually used to treat women’s disease, e.g.
menopausal disorders, while DBT
1687 was also used in men for the treatment of
infertility. Here, DBT
1247 showed the best effect on “erythropoetic system” by inducing
the mRNA level of erythropoietin and increasing the hypoxia-responsive element-mediated
transcriptional activity. The estrogenic activity of DBT
1247 was robust in the
phosphorylation of estrogen receptor α at S118 and of Erk1/2 in cultured MCF-7 cells.
One the other hand, DBT
1687 showed the best effect on circulation system by inhibiting
platelet aggregation and increase nitric oxide production. Our study here well
illustrated how different herbs can be selected and combined with flexibility to suit the
specific syndromes under the guidance of the treatment principle.
In addition, the roles of different Angelica roots (from China and Korea) in
1247 were elucidated. DBT
1247 prepared with the Angelica roots from China showed
high amount of marker chemicals, which also possessed better biological properties.
Similar results were observed for DBT
1247 prepared with AR as compared with that
prepared with Hedysari Radix, the herb that is commonly used as adulterate of AR.
These results recommend following the traditional formulation of TCM formula before
fully realizing the rationale of traditional TCM theory.
Our results here strongly supported the following TCM theory: (i) the traditional
preparation of DBT
using moderate heating was proved to be reasonable, which
should be complied with today; (ii) DBT
1247 was the most famous and widely used Angelica decoction for the treatment of menopausal disease, however, special
attention still should be paid in the clinic based on the syndrome differentiation; and (iii)
1247 should be prepared with AR and ASR from China, this special formulation
should be followed to ensure the quality and effectiveness of TCM usage. By using
chemical and biological assessment, a systematic approach for resolving the
complexity of DBT was developed here: these methodologies could be applied in
other TCM formulae.
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