xvi, 114 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 30 cm
Continuous attractor neural networks (CANNs) are models that describe neuronal systems having localized activities to represent continuous information. Head-direction
(HD) cells, place cells and orientation selective cells in the primary visual cortex are
examples. In a CANN, due to the localized excitatory couplings, tuning curves of neurons are bump-shaped functions of external stimuli. The particular stimulus that the
activity of a neuron is maximized is the preferred stimulus of that neuron. As a result, the neuronal activities in a CANN are also bump-shaped functions of the preferred
stimulus of the neurons. If the synapses (the couplings between neurons) in a CANN
are static, the neuronal activity profile will also be stable. However, if the synapses
are dynamical, the neuro...[
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Continuous attractor neural networks (CANNs) are models that describe neuronal systems having localized activities to represent continuous information. Head-direction
(HD) cells, place cells and orientation selective cells in the primary visual cortex are
examples. In a CANN, due to the localized excitatory couplings, tuning curves of neurons are bump-shaped functions of external stimuli. The particular stimulus that the
activity of a neuron is maximized is the preferred stimulus of that neuron. As a result, the neuronal activities in a CANN are also bump-shaped functions of the preferred
stimulus of the neurons. If the synapses (the couplings between neurons) in a CANN
are static, the neuronal activity profile will also be stable. However, if the synapses
are dynamical, the neuronal activity profile may be unstable. There are two possibilities that make synapses dynamical. Short-term synaptic depression (STD) is an effect
that can temporally degrade the synaptic efficacy due to the recent firing history of the
presynaptic neuron. This is due to the fact that the recovery time of neurotransmitters (~100 ms) is longer than the time scale of synaptic current (~1 ms). STD can
destabilize the bump-shaped states in CANNs. Several contributions are reported in
this thesis. First, I report that STD enables the CANN to support plateau states, which
can be a mechanism of sensory memory. Also, STD can translationally destabilize states
in CANNs. This translational instability enables the CANN to implement anticipation
as a mechanism of delay compensation in the nervous system, which was also observed
in rodent experiments. The novelty of the proposed mechanism is based on the inherent and ubiquitous nature of STD of neurons, and does not require dedicated neuronal
mechanisms and network structures as was the case in previous models. Second, under the influence of external inputs and STD, there are periodic excitements of the neuronal
activity. We found that the resolution of CANNs can be improved significantly due to
the periodic excitements. Also, the simulation results are comparable to psychology experiments and neuroscience experiments. This suggests a novel way to encode multiple
almost-overlapped stimuli. Third, I studied Short-term synaptic facilitation (STF) an
effect that can temporally enhance the synaptic efficacy. This effect is due to the rise
of calcium level in the presynaptic neuron after a spike. STF can stabilize the network
states. It can be used to reduce the effect of noisy stimuli. Fourth, apart from the study
of one-dimensional (1D) CANN, in the thesis, I also present the study on the intrinsic
dynamics of two-dimensional (2D) CANN with STD and local subtractive inhibition.
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