XIAP is the most widely expressed IAP and plays an important role in regulating cell
survival. XIAP contains three baculoviral IAP repeats (BIRs) domain and a RING
domain. BIR domains provide XIAP anticaspase activities whereas RING functions as an
E3 ligase. S-nitrosylation is a reversible post-translational modification of proteins by
adding a nitric oxide to the thiol group of cysteine residue, which regulates a number of
cellular processes. Our previous study found that XIAP can be S-nitrosylated at BIR
domain and affect its anti-caspase activity. However, another study suggested S-nitrosylation
of XIAP is through the RING domain, which affect its E3 ligase activity. In
order to figure out the mechanism through which S-nitrosylation affect XIAP's anti-apoptotic
function, I...[
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XIAP is the most widely expressed IAP and plays an important role in regulating cell
survival. XIAP contains three baculoviral IAP repeats (BIRs) domain and a RING
domain. BIR domains provide XIAP anticaspase activities whereas RING functions as an
E3 ligase. S-nitrosylation is a reversible post-translational modification of proteins by
adding a nitric oxide to the thiol group of cysteine residue, which regulates a number of
cellular processes. Our previous study found that XIAP can be S-nitrosylated at BIR
domain and affect its anti-caspase activity. However, another study suggested S-nitrosylation
of XIAP is through the RING domain, which affect its E3 ligase activity. In
order to figure out the mechanism through which S-nitrosylation affect XIAP's anti-apoptotic
function, I performed mutagenesis study and found that Cys213 of BIR2 is the
critical cysteine residue for XIAP S-nitrosylation. Amino acid substitution of Cys213
diminished the S-nitrosylation of XIAP. The mutant protein XIAP-C213H was not
affected by NO treatment in its anti-apoptosis function. These results confirmed the
importance of one critical cysteine residue (Cys213) in XIAP S-nitrosylation and S-nitrosylation-induced loss of anti-caspase function. These findings will help understand
how nitrosative stress contributes to PD pathogenesis through affecting prosurvival
proteins such as XIAP.
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