xiii, 135 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm
Unlike wire-line networks, one primary challenge in wireless communication is the existence
of fading, which may significantly attenuate the signal power seen at the receiver. This
adverse effect of fading can be combated by using diversity techniques to transmit signals
over multiple independent channels and coherently combining them at the receiver. In fading
relay channels, cooperative communication, which is capable of creating diversity, has
been an active research area over the past few decades. Whilst numerous results have been
published, many fundamental questions still remain open, such as the characterization of the
best possible outage performance of fading relay channels, as well as the exact outage performance
of some popular relaying protocols. This thesis aims to...[
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Unlike wire-line networks, one primary challenge in wireless communication is the existence
of fading, which may significantly attenuate the signal power seen at the receiver. This
adverse effect of fading can be combated by using diversity techniques to transmit signals
over multiple independent channels and coherently combining them at the receiver. In fading
relay channels, cooperative communication, which is capable of creating diversity, has
been an active research area over the past few decades. Whilst numerous results have been
published, many fundamental questions still remain open, such as the characterization of the
best possible outage performance of fading relay channels, as well as the exact outage performance
of some popular relaying protocols. This thesis aims to address these fundamental
problems using derived analytical expressions.
The max-flow min-cut (MFMC) bound serves as an upper bound on the instantaneous
capacity of relay channels. Using the MFMC bound, a lower bound on the outage probability
of fading relay channels can be obtained. The first major contribution of this thesis is to address
the achievability of the MFMC bound on a multiple source antenna half-duplex fading
relay channel. Specifically, at general signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs), a decode-and-forward
(DF) protocol is shown to asymptotically achieve the MFMC bound when the relay is near
the source, and a compress-and-forward (CF) protocol asymptotically achieves the MFMC
bound when the relay is either near the source or near the destination. Moreover, we observe
that the CF protocol achieves the MFMC bound to within 1/2 bits/s/Hz irrespective of the relay
position. Further, at low SNR and low outage, when the source has multiple antennas, the
MFMC bound can be achieved by a DF protocol up to the first order approximation. Finally,
it is shown that if bursty transmission is adopted when the SNR is low, the CF protocol is
able to achieve the MFMC bound up to the first order approximation for an arbitrary number of source antennas. These observations reveal that the MFMC bound can effectively be used
to characterize the best possible outage performance of some fading relay channels.
Despite the effectiveness of the bound, it typically does not admit closed-form expressions
to allow for efficient calculation. Using the MFMC bound, the second major contribution of
this thesis is thus the derivation of new closed-form lower bound expressions for the outage
probability of the fading relay channel. To the best of our knowledge, these results are the
first closed-form expressions for the MFMC outage probability bounds for dual-hop relaying
channels, applying for arbitrary SNRs. Based on these results, we investigate upper bounds
on the ε-outage capacity and characterize the effects of power allocation and relay position.
In addition to the fundamental limit to the outage performance of fading relay channels, it
is also important to characterize the outage performance of some popular relaying protocols,
such as the amplify-and-forward (AF) and DF protocols. The characterization constitutes the
third major contribution of this thesis. For this part, we consider a multiple-relay channel,
where each terminal has a single antenna. For the AF protocol, we derive accurate approximations
for the outage probability when the relays are clustered between the source and
destination. For the case where all the relays are clustered near the destination, an exact
closed-form expression for the outage probability is obtained. For the DF protocol, under
general multiple relaying configurations, we derive an exact closed-form expression for the
outage probability. The obtained outage results are then used subsequently to yield expressions
for the finite-SNR diversity-multiplexing trade-off (DMT).
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