xiv, 115 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm
Shotgun proteomics, a bottom-up approach for complex protein mixture analysis using mass
spectrometry coupled with liquid chromatography (LC-MS), can be viewed as a quasi-random
model for its sampling of peptides for identification. In this process, a set of peptides eluting
from the chromatographic column are selected for fragmentation in tandem mass
spectrometry (MS/MS), and the measurement of the fragments enable the deduction of the
peptide sequence. In this thesis, making use of probabilistic models, we attempt to improve
various applications in mass spectrometry-based proteomics ranging from identification to
Post-translational modification (PTM) is ubiquitous in cellular processes such as cell
differentiation, signaling pathways, regulation of enzymatic a...[
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Shotgun proteomics, a bottom-up approach for complex protein mixture analysis using mass
spectrometry coupled with liquid chromatography (LC-MS), can be viewed as a quasi-random
model for its sampling of peptides for identification. In this process, a set of peptides eluting
from the chromatographic column are selected for fragmentation in tandem mass
spectrometry (MS/MS), and the measurement of the fragments enable the deduction of the
peptide sequence. In this thesis, making use of probabilistic models, we attempt to improve
various applications in mass spectrometry-based proteomics ranging from identification to
Post-translational modification (PTM) is ubiquitous in cellular processes such as cell
differentiation, signaling pathways, regulation of enzymatic activities, and protein degradation.
Reports estimated that up to 50% of proteins in the human body have undergone PTM. [1]
More than 200 types of PTM are found so far. These PTMs in protein largely increase the
search space for peptide/protein identification in proteomics, and decrease the identification
performance in term of accuracy and computational time. One strategy for post-translational
modified protein identification is open modification search, which is based on a mass shifting
strategy. In open modification search, the precursor mass difference between the candidate
and query spectra is assumed to be the mass shift induced by the PTM. This mass shift is
expected to be present in some, but not all, of the fragments produced in tandem mass
spectrometry of the peptide. To match those mass-shifted fragments, the search and query
spectra is matched several times with m/z ratio shifted values in different charge states, which
greatly increases the chance of false matches. To reduce false positives and thus increase
identification sensitivity, we introduced a tier-wise scoring strategy that filters peak matches
by statistical significance calculated based on a probabilistic argument. The sensitivity of the
identification is improved for both modified and unmodified peptides, compared with the
state-of-the-art method previously published.
The peptides ionized by electrospray ionization (ESI) for mass spectrometric analysis is
typically multiply charged. As the mass spectrometer can only measure the mass-to-charge
(m/z) ratio of the analyte, the charge state have to be determined for mass calculation. Isotopic
spacing and distribution analysis is the dominating method for charge state determination.
However, for complex mixtures, overlapping isotopic patterns are frequently observed, and
can confound the charge determination process. For low-abundance peptides, sometimes the
isotopic pattern was difficult to be discerned from the background noise, and algorithms that
depending on the isotopic pattern will fail. We developed a novel method called ZDefine, for
peptide charge determination, which makes use of the periodic pattern in mass distribution
found in short peptides. This method implements a Bayesian classifier based on the
probabilistic distribution of mass defect values of all peptides. It only requires accurate mass
measurement of one precursor peak, is much faster computationally than traditional methods,
and offers comparable performance in charge determination to several alternative methods.
The same periodic pattern of mass distribution of peptides is also used to design the optimal
parameters for peptide spectral matching. We optimized the bin width and the intensity filter
used in the calculation of the spectral dot product – a spectral similarity measure commonly
used. The performance of our optimized scoring method compares favorably to the original
Besides applications in qualitative proteomics, we also applied a probabilistic model to study
the behavior of spectral counts as a protein quantification metric. Various indexes were
proposed before based on the spectral count (the number of spectra identified to peptides
belonging to a protein) for absolute quantification purpose, but their use have been
empirically driven and lack a theoretical basis. We propose a simple probabilistic model to
describe the relation between those indexes and the protein abundance. Based on the
theoretical result derived, we simplified APEX, a commonly used index, and still maintained
the similar performance. We also extended this index to the aggregate analysis of multiple
experimental datasets, resulting in an improvement in the accuracy of quantification.
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