This thesis examines E.M.Forster's dealings with religions in his most famous novel A Passage to India. Forster as a realistic writer, was deeply interested in human relationships and in A Passage to India , he tried to examine this issue from a religious point of view. Although here religions refer generally to Islam, Christianity and Hinduism, my interest mainly lies in Hinduism. This Hinduism is displayed here through the "Krishna-festival," and the main focus of my thesis will be on this festival. Bearing this in mind, I will try to show that Forster brought religion into literature to secure a place for mankind. Here the appealing image of a Hindu festival will be discussed in relation to its function of establishing human relationships. Religion here means realisation of some high...[
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This thesis examines E.M.Forster's dealings with religions in his most famous novel A Passage to India. Forster as a realistic writer, was deeply interested in human relationships and in A Passage to India , he tried to examine this issue from a religious point of view. Although here religions refer generally to Islam, Christianity and Hinduism, my interest mainly lies in Hinduism. This Hinduism is displayed here through the "Krishna-festival," and the main focus of my thesis will be on this festival. Bearing this in mind, I will try to show that Forster brought religion into literature to secure a place for mankind. Here the appealing image of a Hindu festival will be discussed in relation to its function of establishing human relationships. Religion here means realisation of some higher values and practical expression to the divinity, which help human beings to endure all kinds of sufferings in life. The evaluation of the role of religion to establish human relationships is, however, the main point of the thesis. It will examine the role of religion to eliminate the conflicts of life and also show how religion offers some hope for temporary reconciliation.
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