A 2.2 mm open-ended coaxial probe is selected to explore the broadband measurement of complex permittivity ranging from kHz up to GHz. The measurements are conducted in three different frequency ranges, i.e., high frequency (HF, 500 MHz ~ 20 GHz), medium frequency (MF,10 MHz ~ 1 GHz), and low frequency (LF, 1 kHz ~ 15 MHz), in view of pertinent aperture admittance models, feasible measurement principles, and required calibrations for system biases. These considerations are discussed and described in turn from the high frequency measurements to low frequency tests. Verification of the associated measurement techniques in the three operating frequency regimes is provided by experiments on pure ethanol and methanol liquids as well as on NaCl solutions of different concentrations. These tes...[
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A 2.2 mm open-ended coaxial probe is selected to explore the broadband measurement of complex permittivity ranging from kHz up to GHz. The measurements are conducted in three different frequency ranges, i.e., high frequency (HF, 500 MHz ~ 20 GHz), medium frequency (MF,10 MHz ~ 1 GHz), and low frequency (LF, 1 kHz ~ 15 MHz), in view of pertinent aperture admittance models, feasible measurement principles, and required calibrations for system biases. These considerations are discussed and described in turn from the high frequency measurements to low frequency tests. Verification of the associated measurement techniques in the three operating frequency regimes is provided by experiments on pure ethanol and methanol liquids as well as on NaCl solutions of different concentrations. These testing techniques are also applied to measure the broadband dielectric spectrum of kaolinite slurry; simple analyses focusing on subtracting the influence of DC conductivity and multiple relaxations are presented.
A complex permittivity spectrum from 1 kHz to 3 GHz is measured in kaolinite sediment of different structures using the slim-form open-ended coaxial probe. The sediment structure is manipulated by changing the pore-fluid pH. When the pH is below the isoelectrical point of the edge surface, IEP
edge, the structure of face-to-edge (EF) flocculation is promoted in voluminous sediment (Group A samples). A higher dielectric constant due to bulk water polarization is measured because of the higher water content. As the pH is increased to greater than IEP
edge, dense sediment with face-to-face (FF) aggregation is produced (Group B samples) and a lower dielectric constant is obtained. In bound water and spatial polarization, higher relaxation strength and longer relaxation time are observed in the Group B samples, which can be attributed to more negatively charged surfaces and denser packing. Fluid conductivity dominates the global conductivity of the sediment in the Group A samples so that the β value, i.e., the ratio between the conductivities of the sediment and the fluid, is smaller than 1. The β value is greater than 1 in the Group B samples owing to an overcompensation of surface conduction.
Sedimentation behavior of two kaolinite samples with distinct fabric associations is characterized using mechanical and electromagnetic wave-based techniques. The two different fabric formations, the edge-to-face (EF) flocculated structure (i.e., sample A) and the dispersed and deflocculated structure (i.e., sample B), were regulated by changing the pH of the pore fluid and are produced. The anisotropy of shear wave velocity and DC conductivity was not observed in the sediment of sample A because of EF isotropic fabric associations but it was detected in sample B as a result of face-to-face (FF) aggregation. An open card-house structure of the sample A sediment results in a higher relaxation strength of the bulk water, ΔK
w owing to a higher water content; the smaller ΔK
w measured in the sample B sediment indicates denser packing. In both samples, sediment consolidation gives rise to a decrease in the bulk-water relaxation strength but an increase in the bound-water relaxation strength owing to increasing particle content. In response to sediment consolidation, the sediment conductivity of sample A continuously decreases because of the reduced contribution from the fluid conductivity. In sample B, the surface conduction via the overlapped double layer overcompensates such a decreased contribution so that the sediment conductivity increases with increasing particle content.
The slim-form open-ended coaxial probe is also used to conduct a local dielectric measurement. The measured results, i.e. dielectric relaxation strength of bulk water, ΔK
w, and the DC conductivity of the saturated sample, σ
mix, are jointly used to characterize the spatial variability of different specimens including glass beads, sand and mica samples, and kaolinte sediments with two different fabric associations. The pore distribution along the sample depth can be reflected from the measured ΔK
w, and the local porosity can be estimated based on the mixing rules. The directional feature of the interconnected pores is captured in the totruosity which is derived from the measured σ
mix. In the kaolinite sediments, the ratio between the sediment and the pore-fluid conductivity not only reveals the spatial variability of the sediment packing but also the relative contribution of the fluid conductivity and surface conduction to the global sediment conductivity.
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