xxi, 148 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm
On-chip optical interconnects is one promising technology to replace conventional electrical
interconnects for large-data-capacity and low-power-consumption communications on
integrated circuit (IC) chips. Among various nascent technology platforms for optical
interconnects, silicon photonics leveraging the mature silicon nanoelectronics fabrication
processes offers the key advantage of a potentially manufacturable integration of optical
interconnects on silicon IC chips.
In this thesis, we propose and demonstrate a number of functional silicon photonic devices
for on-chip optical interconnect applications including (i) electro-optical tunable delay lines,
(ii) photocurrent monitors for silicon microresonator-based switches and modulators and (iii)
epitaxially grown III-V-on-si...[
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On-chip optical interconnects is one promising technology to replace conventional electrical
interconnects for large-data-capacity and low-power-consumption communications on
integrated circuit (IC) chips. Among various nascent technology platforms for optical
interconnects, silicon photonics leveraging the mature silicon nanoelectronics fabrication
processes offers the key advantage of a potentially manufacturable integration of optical
interconnects on silicon IC chips.
In this thesis, we propose and demonstrate a number of functional silicon photonic devices
for on-chip optical interconnect applications including (i) electro-optical tunable delay lines,
(ii) photocurrent monitors for silicon microresonator-based switches and modulators and (iii)
epitaxially grown III-V-on-silicon photodetectors.
Silicon tunable time delay lines are key components for optical networks. We
demonstrate electro-optical tunable time delay and advance using silicon feedback-microring
microresonators integrated with p-i-n diodes. By controlling the feedback and round-trip
phase shifts through the carrier injection-based free-carrier dispersion effect, we obtain a large
dynamic time tuning range (−88 ps to 110 ps) upon dc bias voltage change in the range of few tens of millivolts at a given resonance wavelength. We also demonstrate tunable time delay
and advance at different resonance wavelengths within 0.76nm wavelength range.
Silicon microresonators also act as essential building blocks in the form of filters, switches
and modulators for on-chip optical interconnects. However, the resonance wavelengths of
silicon microresonators are susceptible to optical carrier wavelength drift and environmental
temperature variation. An adaptive feedback-based solution to actively stabilize the
resonance wavelength is desirable. To this end, we propose to use on-chip all-silicon
photodetectors to monitor the resonance wavelengths of silicon microresonators. We study
the on-chip all-silicon photodetectors employing sub-bandgap surface-state absorption and
two-photon absorption induced photocarrier generation. We integrate the photodetectors
with silicon microresonators in order to monitor the spectral alignment between the optical
carrier wavelength and the resonance. We demonstrate real-time in-microresonator
photocurrent monitoring for silicon microring carrier-injection switches. We also
demonstrate real-time in-microresonator photocurrent monitoring for silicon
feedback-microring carrier-injection modulators.
Given that silicon is essentially transparent in the 1300-1550nm telecommunications
wavelengths, it constitutes a low-loss material for integrated waveguides in the
telecommunications window but not an efficient photodetector. One way to enable
photodetection on silicon chips in the telecommunications wavelengths is to hybrid-integrate
III-V semiconductor photodetectors on silicon chips. On this front, we develop epitaxially
grown III-V-on-silicon normal-incidence and silicon waveguide butt-coupled photodetectors
by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). The waveguide butt-coupled device
with a 20μm × 20μm area shows a dark current of 2.5 μA and a responsivity of 0.17 A/W at
1550nm wavelength upon -1V bias voltage, a 3dB bandwidth of 9 GHz upon -4V bias voltage
and an open eye diagram at 10Gb/s data rate upon -4V bias voltage. The photodetectors
show promising performances for on-chip optical interconnects applications. The developed
epitaxial III-V-on-silicon technology with silicon waveguide integration can be naturally
extended into integration with more sophisticated silicon photonic devices.
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