Li-air batteries (LABs) have been attracting much attention during the past several years.
This system has one of the highest energy densities among the energy storage systems.
To realize the successful application of Li-air batteries in the electrical vehicles, it is
essential to produce suitable cathodes and highly efficient catalysts for this system.
Understanding the underlying reaction mechanisms and reasons for the capacity
degradation is also helpful in producing much better performing Li-air batteries. This
thesis focuses on developing MnO
2 based cathode/catalyst for Li-air batteries. Reduced
graphene oxide was firstly applied to solve the problem of poor conductivity of the
catalyst and further the nanosized MnO
2 catalyst was directly fabricated onto the current
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Li-air batteries (LABs) have been attracting much attention during the past several years.
This system has one of the highest energy densities among the energy storage systems.
To realize the successful application of Li-air batteries in the electrical vehicles, it is
essential to produce suitable cathodes and highly efficient catalysts for this system.
Understanding the underlying reaction mechanisms and reasons for the capacity
degradation is also helpful in producing much better performing Li-air batteries. This
thesis focuses on developing MnO
2 based cathode/catalyst for Li-air batteries. Reduced
graphene oxide was firstly applied to solve the problem of poor conductivity of the
catalyst and further the nanosized MnO
2 catalyst was directly fabricated onto the current
collector. The objectives also include providing the explanations for the capacity
degradation, deciding the suitable electrolytes and understanding the reversible
performance of the MnO
2 catalyst.
The electrochemical performance of rechargeable Li-air batteries containing reduced
graphene oxide (rGO)/α-MnO
2 composite and neat α-MnO
2 electrode is studied. The
2 composite exhibits a specific capacity as high as 558.4 mA h g
-1 at a current density of 100 mA g
-1, indicating its potential to make a good cathode material. The
composite electrode also presents a relatively moderate degradation of capacities with
increasing cycles, compared to the neat α-MnO
2 electrode. rGO functions as the
conducting medium to connect the α-MnO
2 nanorods, thus improving the Li ion transfer.
The mechanisms responsible for the capacity degradation in the composite electrodes are
studied after a series of interrupted charge/discharge cycles, detecting Li
2 and LiF as
the main reaction products formed on the electrode surface. In particular, the LiF layer is
identified to be an important component of reaction products, which serves as barrier to
reactions between the Li ions and electrons with the electrode, giving rise to detrimental
effects on the cyclic and capacity performance of Li-air batteries.
In-situ grown MnO
2 nanoparticles were fabricated on the Ni mesh surface and this
material was tested as the cathode in the Li-air batteries. With this method, nanosized
catalysts were directly connected to the current collector without the addition of carbon
materials and binders. The Ni surface was fully coated with a layer of catalyst and
functioned as reaction sites during the charge/discharge process. The merits of the good
contact were successfully demonstrated with the highly reversible cyclic performance
exhibited by the MnO
2/Ni cathode. The CV measurements were employed in order to
determine its catalyzing effect and the charging efficiency throughout the tests. Ex-situ
EIS, XPS and SEM analysis were also conducted corresponding to different
charge/discharge stages. Li
2 was determined as the main reaction product after a
discharge process and its decomposition after a further charge process indicated the
effectiveness of the MnO
2 catalysts. Furthermore, the mechanism of this reversible
performance derived from the synthesized cathode was proposed and explained with the
assistance of the above characterization tools.
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