xv, 106 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm
Movements in our upper limbs and visual information together play an important role in the
human computer interface. The three types of fundamental movements in a graphical user
interface can be identified as targeting, tracking and targeted-tracking. Fitts' Law (Fitts, 1954)
has been applied to model movement time in targeting tasks and Drury's Law (Drury, 1971)
has been applied to that of tracking tasks. Two models (Dennerlein et al., 2000; Kulikov &,
Stuerzlinger, 2006) have been proposed to model movement time in targeted-tracking tasks.
Dennerlein et al. (2006) assumed both targeting and tracking difficulties affect movement
time throughout the movement process. In addition to the mentioned hypothesis, Kulikov and
Stuerzlinger (2006) assumed that both index of difficulties...[
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Movements in our upper limbs and visual information together play an important role in the
human computer interface. The three types of fundamental movements in a graphical user
interface can be identified as targeting, tracking and targeted-tracking. Fitts' Law (Fitts, 1954)
has been applied to model movement time in targeting tasks and Drury's Law (Drury, 1971)
has been applied to that of tracking tasks. Two models (Dennerlein et al., 2000; Kulikov &,
Stuerzlinger, 2006) have been proposed to model movement time in targeted-tracking tasks.
Dennerlein et al. (2006) assumed both targeting and tracking difficulties affect movement
time throughout the movement process. In addition to the mentioned hypothesis, Kulikov and
Stuerzlinger (2006) assumed that both index of difficulties contribute in the same potency.
These models provide little contribution to understand the process.
Based on the hypothesis that movement in targeted-tracking is a two component task i.e., an
initial and then final homing-in phase, a computer mouse based experiment was conducted to
capture both open-loop and feedback controlled movements. An empirical model was
developed to predict movement time based on the overall difficulty of each component. In
another experiment, the model was further validated for several input devices.
The importance of the model in designing, optimizing and evaluating computer input devices
and graphical user interfaces was further discussed. Since tracking is essentially a component
in targeted-tracking and, due to lack of availability in literature on tracking, human
performance in tracking tasks was also investigated to determine optimal settings for input
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