xv, 106 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm
Low dropout regulators (LDRs) are indispensable power management functional blocks
that provide supply voltages for noise-sensitive sub-blocks. This research focuses on the
analysis and design of high-performance CMOS LDRs for power management applications.
First, a load-transient-enhanced and chip-area-efficient LDR based on a wide-swing
voltage buffer without using on-chip compensation capacitor and large equivalent series
resistance (ESR) for compensation is proposed. The small parasitic capacitor of the 1.2V
PMOS buffer with small-sized power transistor guarantees low-ESR applications. The
proposed LDR was fabricated in 0.13-μm mixed-mode CMOS process. The active chip area
is 0.045mm
2 and the measured voltage dip is 10 mV for a 150mA load transient step with
30ns edge times...[
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Low dropout regulators (LDRs) are indispensable power management functional blocks
that provide supply voltages for noise-sensitive sub-blocks. This research focuses on the
analysis and design of high-performance CMOS LDRs for power management applications.
First, a load-transient-enhanced and chip-area-efficient LDR based on a wide-swing
voltage buffer without using on-chip compensation capacitor and large equivalent series
resistance (ESR) for compensation is proposed. The small parasitic capacitor of the 1.2V
PMOS buffer with small-sized power transistor guarantees low-ESR applications. The
proposed LDR was fabricated in 0.13-μm mixed-mode CMOS process. The active chip area
is 0.045mm
2 and the measured voltage dip is 10 mV for a 150mA load transient step with
30ns edge times.
Second, an LDR based on a matching-improved error amplifier is proposed that allows
tighter load regulations. It also consists of an ultra-fast unity-gain buffer with a fast local loop
that leads to significantly improved loop bandwidth and load transient responses. The LDR
was implemented in 0.13um mixed-mode CMOS. The load-regulation is 25μV/mA. The quiescent current is 8μA and it achieves 6mV voltage dip for a load current step of 150mA
with 30ns edge times.
Finally, a mixed-mode LDR based on a single-transistor-assisted ultra-fast voltage buffer
is proposed for low-ESR or even zero-ESR applications. As the load current increases, the
proposed buffer becomes a unity-gain buffer automatically to widen the gate voltage swing of
the primary power transistor to achieve large load capability with compact chip area. A
secondary power transistor provides large current to the load at heavy load, and enhances the
load capability and load regulation. The proposed LDR was fabricated in a 0.13μm CMOS
process. Measurement results show that it achieves 7.5mV voltage dip for a load current step
of 150mA with 115ns edge times. The quiescent current is 6μA and the load regulation is
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