xxv, 138 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm
Since the discovery of graphene in 2004, this two-dimensional (2D) material has attracted
a plenty of research interest owing to its unique set of extraordinary properties. Graphene already
has shown a great potential for a broad spectrum of applications in the field of energy, environment
and optoelectronic devices. Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technique appeared to be the most
promising method to meet the ever-increasing demand of high quality graphene. However, the
underlying mechanism of CVD growth is yet uncertain and requires further investigation with the
aim of getting profound understanding about layer controlled graphene growth. The theme of this
PhD work is to provide insight into the mechanism of multilayer graphene (MLG) growth on the
Cu foil via CVD and subseque...[
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Since the discovery of graphene in 2004, this two-dimensional (2D) material has attracted
a plenty of research interest owing to its unique set of extraordinary properties. Graphene already
has shown a great potential for a broad spectrum of applications in the field of energy, environment
and optoelectronic devices. Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technique appeared to be the most
promising method to meet the ever-increasing demand of high quality graphene. However, the
underlying mechanism of CVD growth is yet uncertain and requires further investigation with the
aim of getting profound understanding about layer controlled graphene growth. The theme of this
PhD work is to provide insight into the mechanism of multilayer graphene (MLG) growth on the
Cu foil via CVD and subsequently providing the strategy to obtain exclusively single layer
graphene (SLG) with superior quality. In first part of the dissertations, we presented our unique
backside carbon gettering (BCG) approach to mitigate the MLG growth on the copper (Cu) foil
using a nickel support substrate during CVD process. Carbon gettering effect of nickel restricted
the carbon diffusion to the top surface of the Cu foil, steering us to grow exclusive SLG growth.
Besides, BCG approach assisted in lowering down the nucleation density of the single-crystal
graphene domains by two orders of magnitude, enabling us to obtain large size single-crystal
graphene domain with 6 mm of lateral size. In the second part, we demonstrated unusual
characterization of CVD grown graphene using surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) and
time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) techniques. We provided a facile
method of preparing a SERS active substrate by oxidizing the nickel titanium (NiTi) alloy. The
Raman enhancement of graphene on such substrate was a function of oxide layer thickness. Finally,
we explored the potential of ToF-SIMS technique for characterizing graphene and beyond 2D
materials. This ultra-sensitive surface technique facilitate us to probe the film uniformity over the
large area and revealing individual layers of as-grown multilayer graphene film directly on the
growth substrate.
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