xxvii, 265 pages : illustrations, maps ; 30 cm
Slope failures, surface erosion and debris flows are typical rain-induced geohazards in
high-precipitation mountainous areas, posing high risks to society. They are often triggered by
heavy rainfall and thus sensitive to climate change. As extreme rainstorms become more
frequent, coping with rain-induced geohazards thus becomes critical in geohazard prone
regions such as Hong Kong and earthquake-affected areas in Sichuan, China, as well as other
countries/areas such as Italy and Japan. The geohazards can interact with each other and
enlarge the final magnitude. Hence, appropriate methods need to be developed for integrated
rain-induced geohazards analysis in a regional scale to cope with increasing rain-induced
hazard risk. There are many methods to mitigate geohazard risk such...[
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Slope failures, surface erosion and debris flows are typical rain-induced geohazards in
high-precipitation mountainous areas, posing high risks to society. They are often triggered by
heavy rainfall and thus sensitive to climate change. As extreme rainstorms become more
frequent, coping with rain-induced geohazards thus becomes critical in geohazard prone
regions such as Hong Kong and earthquake-affected areas in Sichuan, China, as well as other
countries/areas such as Italy and Japan. The geohazards can interact with each other and
enlarge the final magnitude. Hence, appropriate methods need to be developed for integrated
rain-induced geohazards analysis in a regional scale to cope with increasing rain-induced
hazard risk. There are many methods to mitigate geohazard risk such as engineering and
non-engineering measures. Among these measures, vegetation is a natural and
environmental-friendly way to mitigate geohazards. In this doctoral research, a new integrated
numerical model is developed to simulate the whole process of rain-induced debris flows,
multi-hazard interactions, and the effects of vegetation on mitigating erosion and debris flows.
A new integrated simulation model is developed for simulating rain-induced debris-flow
initiation, motion, entrainment, deposition and property changes. The model is unique in that it
simulates the whole process of rain-induced debris flow evolution and two physical initiation
mechanisms (i.e. surface erosion and transformation from slope failures). Previous numerical
models with an assumed inflow hydrograph and an inflow location can now be conducted at
one go scientifically without subjective assumptions. The model is verified first by three
numerical tests, each for an individual component, i.e. rainfall runoff module, infiltration
module, slope failure module. Then two real debris flow events, namely the Xiaojiagou debris
flow in 2010 and the Tsing Shan debris flow in 1990, are used as field applications of the
proposed model. The model can simulate the entire evolution process of rain-induced debris
flows, and estimates reasonably well the volume, inundated area and runout distance of the
debris flow. The integrated model will serve as a powerful tool for analysing multi-hazard
processes and hazard interactions, and the assessment of regional debris-flow risks in the
The proposed integrated model can be applied for analysis of multi-hazard interactions
considering all the three major hazards (rain-induced slope failures, surface erosion and debris
flows) and cascading effects. The integrated numerical model is capable of simultaneously
simulating rain-induced slope failures, surface erosion, debris flows, and hazard interactions.
The effects of hazard interactions on the final hazard magnitude can thus be investigated. The
presence of slope failures would intensify the amount of surface erosion significantly, and the
enhanced surface erosion would amplify substantially the final debris flow hazard. The
cascading effects of multi-hazards can also be simulated by the model. The whole process of
debris flow and the subsequent formation process of debris flow barrier lake are modelled by
the integrated model. The presence of the hazard interactions and cascading effects could have
a significant impact on the volume, inundated area and runout distance of the debris flow, and
the final affected area by the multi-hazards. This requires the past hazard mitigation methods to
be reconsidered which might underestimate the possible rain-induced hazard scenarios.
Long-term observations of rain-induced geohazards activities and vegetation recovery were
performed in the past ten years in the epicentre area of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake.
Detailed field investigations and satellite image interpretations have been conducted in the
study area along an 18 km long highway to study the evolution of the rainfall-induced slope
failures and debris flows and the vegetation recovery process after the Wenchuan earthquake.
The evidence suggests that vegetation plays a role in mitigating the geohazards. A clear
relation is found between vegetation recovery and declining rain-induced geohazards in time
and space.
The proposed integrated model is extended to quantify and simulate the mitigation of surface
erosion and debris flows with vegetation recovery. A hill slope in the Wenchuan earthquake
zone is selected as the study area. Field investigations were conducted to obtain root-soil
samples representing the extents of vegetation recovery in different times. The effects of
vegetation on resisting soil erosion are quantified by laboratory experiments on field samples
and empirical relationship. The vegetation factors can then be incorporated into the integrated
model considering rainfall runoff, surface erosion and debris flows. It is found that vegetation
effectively mitigates surface erosion and subsequent debris flows.
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