Metallic materials are widely adopted in the construction industry. While traditional
manufacturing techniques such as hot-rolling, cold-forming and extrusion often leads to
prismatic structural components, adopting metal additive manufacturing (AM) technologies,
such as Directed Energy Deposition (DED), will allow greater flexibility in the geometry of
construction components. However, geometry inconsistency in DED is one of the main
problems that hinders its application in various fields, including construction industry. Lack of
timely geometry assessment during DED process results in dimensional errors and defects of
final products. Therefore, this research proposes to develop and integrate advanced process
monitoring techniques into a DED system with a goal of online geometry qualit...[
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Metallic materials are widely adopted in the construction industry. While traditional
manufacturing techniques such as hot-rolling, cold-forming and extrusion often leads to
prismatic structural components, adopting metal additive manufacturing (AM) technologies,
such as Directed Energy Deposition (DED), will allow greater flexibility in the geometry of
construction components. However, geometry inconsistency in DED is one of the main
problems that hinders its application in various fields, including construction industry. Lack of
timely geometry assessment during DED process results in dimensional errors and defects of
final products. Therefore, this research proposes to develop and integrate advanced process
monitoring techniques into a DED system with a goal of online geometry quality assessment in
support of quality assurance and process certification.
To achieve geometry quality control, geometry quality assessment including geometry
monitoring and geometry estimation are needed. According to existing literature review about
geometry quality assessment during DED process, the research gaps are identified: (1) there is
a lack of online real-time geometry monitoring technique to inspect each deposited track profile,
which requires the integration of 3D geometry monitoring system with DED system; (2) real-time
geometry estimation that can establish explicit relationship between process parameters
and geometry attributes is not well studied, which impedes the development of geometry quality
control; (3) there is a lack of real-time geometry monitoring and geometry estimation for
depositions with sharp features, such as corners and intersections. Therefore, this research aims
to tackle these research gaps to better adopt DED in construction industry. The research
objectives are achieved with three studies. The first and second studies aim to tackle research
gap (1) and research gap (3), which is to achieve online real-time geometry monitoring with consideration of sharp feature. The third study serves for research gap (2) and research gap (3),
which is to achieve geometry estimation considering sharp feature.
For geometry monitoring, in the first study, an online geometry monitoring methodology
for continuous monitoring during the DED process was developed using a laser line scanner.
The proposed methodology achieved track-wise inspection during multi-layer single-track
deposition process, including (1) real-time scanning of each deposited track’s profile, (2) online
extraction of the track’s geometry, and (3) online plotting and comparison of the as-designed
and as-built models. The effectiveness of the developed methodology is examined by
comparing the profiles of the multi-layer single-track deposition estimated during the DED
process with the reference profiles obtained via laser line scanning and microscopy after the
completion of the DED process.
Furthermore, in the second study, an improved online real-time geometry monitoring
methodology is developed to achieve real-time inspection during multi-layer deposition with
sharp feature. A geometry monitoring system was developed using two laser line scanners, one
for real-time inspection of the melt pool area or newly solidified area of each track, and another
for layer-wise inspection of each deposited layer. For real-time inspection, an image processing
method with an encoder-decoder based profile completion network was developed to obtain
accurate track profiles on images. Then, a point cloud generation method was proposed to
convert the obtained track profiles to 3D point cloud that represents the deposited object by
calibrations and fusing the position information from the printer. Experiments have been
successfully conducted to validate the proposed methodology by depositing multi-layer X-shape
After geometry monitoring, geometry estimation to identify the relationship between the
process parameters and geometry attributes is vital toward geometry control. In the third study, a real-time layer height estimation technique is developed using a laser line scanner, vision
camera, and domain adaptive neural networks (DaNN) for multi-layer deposition with sharp
feature. The proposed technique can achieve real-time layer height estimation for both straight-line
deposition and corner deposition, and an emphasis was placed on layer height estimation
at sharp corners.
This research provides approaches to achieve online geometry quality assessment during
the DED process using laser line scanner, including real-time geometry monitoring and real-time
geometry estimation. In addition, this research put emphasis on geometry with sharp
features which are often problematic and not well studied in previous literatures. The proposed
online geometry assessment techniques could effectively facilitate DED to achieve zero-defect
manufacturing and assist its adoption in various fields including the construction industry.
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